
Saturday, September 18, 2010

# Selamat Hari Raya Semua #


Salam...sorry lama gile xupdate dgn pindah umh bagai.rsnye belom terlewat lg kot nk wish "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri" buat semua..

Japg me otw nk blik later2 will update d blog including picx raya k (xtau la bilekan nk updatenye..bln dpn ke 2bln dpn ke 3bln dpn ke..hehehhe) ntikan entry terbaru from me k..byk sgt nk share tp tershare2 dlm blog ni.

Lg skali nk ucap selamat hari raya, maaf zahir dan batin andai ada terkasar bahasa.


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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

# Berakhir sudah 1st Trimester # im at 17 weeks of pregnancy..dh berakhir dh 1st trimester. Alhamdulillah jugak xde byk mslh with 1st trimester just ms last week both me n hubby kne demam..quite tinggi juga suhu dia 39 darjah celcius..huhh..mayb sbb cuaca yg kejap2 panas, kejap2 ujan kot. tp aft mkn ubat so far ok. tp tuela selera mkn makin berkurangan plus berat pon dh trn week i'll meet the gynae. so nak check either both mommy n baby sihat ke x. harap2 both o us sihat alhamdulillah. bb pls noe dat mommy n daddy love u so much. kami akn buat segala yg terbaik just for u dear. jmp doc nti nk double confirm with gynae the baby gender, tp for me xkisah la boy or girl janji sihat sempurna baby tue nti. Msk 2nd trimester ni pon, alhamdulillah morning sickness dh kurang. kalo x dl, pg2 je asyik rs loya n mual2. penat jugak spai sakit tekak di buatnye. harap2 selera makan back to normal. coz rmai yg tegur, 4 months tp perut still x nmpk lg. baby kecik agknye plus x ckp mknan from mommy. nti bile selera dh ade mommy mkn byk2 k. bg baby sihat n ckp zat, protein. haishh ckp psl mkn, tetibe rs nk mkn waffle ice cream. will get it dis weekend..nyumm...nyum...

Friday, June 18, 2010

# Hi I'm at 16 weeks #

Hi... Lama dh xupdate fb.dr sehari ke sehari rs nk x terbuat pon.anyway td I'm doing a 3d checkup to see my lil' one.Alhamdulillah sume ok. Now dh 16 weeks.harap2 semuanye selamat spai si dia ni lahir tgk dunia kan.insyaAllah..doa2kan k.Amin... Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Monday, May 24, 2010

# Update #

Holla....dh lamakan xupdate ckit lately plus kesihatan yg kurang enak..will upd d blog asap k wit lotsa storiesss..tungguuu..♥

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Friday, April 16, 2010

# Saturday weekend #

Hermm I can't wait for tomorrow day..2mrw will be d most important day to us..besides, can meet all old friends at Shiela's,we hav another hopefully it will be a better day for us..Amin.. Wish us luck!!! Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Friday, April 09, 2010

# catch my eyes #

Heart Fashion is one of d'online shopping site dat I always view..almost everyday..I've experienced bought 4rm 'dem 2 tops and contact lenses..& so far am satisfied wit their services.. Below is a few tops that catched my eyes today...huhuhu...feel like to buy it..owhhh & d contact wanna buy it again..u can have various selection of tops,shirts,blouse,and lenses..go to dis site..Heart Fashion..enjoiiiii..
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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

# Pixy oh Pixy # nk introduce satu 2-way-cake nie...pernah dgr x Pixy.??? ok actually dis compact powder my friend pernah x pernah nk try..mayb ms tue x terpk kot nk tukar yg tetibe skg i nk try plak kan..coz aritu my ofismate ade tunjuk dis compact powder kat i..dia ckp dis powder mmg makeup artist pkai utk touch up..waaa...dgr kalo makeup artist yg pkai sti la kite nk cb kan plus d price sgtla cheaper....
So smlm me pegi cr dis powder..n arini pkai sgt best...muka nmpk sgt if ade sesape nk try let me noe..harga dia mmg sgt cheap, cheaper, and cheapest..confirm kalo u pkai akn rs semakin jelitaaa..

Monday, April 05, 2010

# Mengalami masalah perut buncit ??? #

Hi...haaa..bc title kt ats je dh jadi segan kan..I know many womens face wit dis problem..same goes to me.I also have dis problem aite now..

Ssh kan kalo jd pompuan ni..everything kne jaga..from head to toe..if not, sure org akn,me mmg sgt ssh nk bersenam..bile rs bdn dh naik,mula la plan nti nk g exercise la,gym la,jg mkn la,diet tue semua hangat2 tahi aym aje..buat tu x lama..sekejap jea.

I'm still remembered while im do my practical training at SUK Shah Alam.after abis aje practical,me & my frenz jaja akn siap2 g jogging kt tasek shah kat sn.rmai org jog,so xdela rs segan sgt bile practical dh abis x cont dh coz bz wit study..

Then ms kt ipoh ade jg g jogging at Pdg Polo..for those who stayed at Ipoh know where its located..kt cni pon rmai org jogging plus every sunday morning ade org wat pocho2..enjoy sgt..kdg me pegi wit my neighbour azura or sometime wit kalo ptg rmai sgt org kt segan ckit la kan..

Kalo kt ofis plak..haaa yg ni mmg diri sendiri la kan yg mls..facilities sume dh ade..gym,sauna,squah court,exercise room,ade wat senamrobic & pocho diri sendiri yg mls nk g..dl before kawen smgt nk aft ofis hour g sauna & gym..yerlakan nk kawen xnakla nmpk ugly lepak ms tue ade member yg mmg nk g smgt ckit..but now aft married dh x pegi dh..tgkla one day nk g blik..I've a prob aite tuMmy dh muncit..

Cite psl buncit,let's me share wit u guys tips utk mengelakkan perut buncit. Mn tau kot bleh kempis like a model nti kan..hehehehe..‎​​​=))hªªhª<3ªhªª=))

Okey,here's some of tips :-

1) Ambil tiga cubit bedak sejuk dan campurkannya dengan sedikit kapur sirih dan air perahan limau nipis. Gaulkan semua bahan tadi dan lumurkan pada perut. Biarkan ia kering seketika kemudian ikat perut dengan sehelai kain. Amalkan sebelum anda tidur malam. Ambil perhatian kapur sireh yang berlebihan akan membuat perut anda panas. 2) Asam jawa dan garam dibancuh dengan segelas air panas. Embunkan semalaman. Esok paginya minum air tersebut sebelum membasuh muka atau membuang air kecil. 3) Jangan mandi lepas makan. Make sure kalo nk makan for example dinner, u oredi take ur shower first. coz takut nti our tummy xsempt nk hadam makanan..air sejuk waktu mandi boleh melambatkan sistem penghadaman..

4) Minum air halia..ok what I know,halia boleh melawaskan & membuang angin di dlm badan.. Better take it 2 times a week.y not try kan plus the taste not too bad..

5) Do sit up before nk tido at least 20 times..yg nie mmg confirm bleh control perut kite dr buncit..

6) Minum lotsa water..jika perut penuh disbbkan oleh penyimpanan air, we can reduce it dgn lebih byk meminum air..sounds weird kan?? But trust me.its true...ini krn ia akn mencairkan kosentrasi sodium dlm tubuh sehingga meningkatkan kadar pengeluaran air di dlm our system body.

7) Pengambilan serat. Untuk membalancekan penyimpanan air di dlm tumbuh which caused pengembungan/buncit, take serat dlm buah2an like apple,or pear which have lotsa water..Fyi serat is most important element in diet menu.

8) Don't drink after having a meal..or during mkn2..meaning mkn bersulamkan air..its not good..the best way aft having a meal..take 15-30mins a rest then br minum.. Avoid taking ais..coz sejuk kan..(Tp me always minum ais,now kne kurangkan or avoid trs)

So far, ni je yg sempat me share wit u guys..if sape2 yg ade lg petua let's share wit me.. Ohhh lupe..rajin2kan la melakukan & hubby planning to play badminton every weeekend.

p/s : sy mengidamkan perut yg help me..puhhlssshhh..

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Friday, April 02, 2010

# Tampil Anggun Dgn Simply Siti #

Everyone know that Dato' Siti already launched her product named as Simply Siti.. the price of dis product im not sure either pricey or not..u can check it at any Watsons outlet. so far me interested wit the packaging and for sure the colors o eyeshadow..plan to get a try & one more the loose powder..sgt cute n comel. easy to bring anywhere coz not too big the size.. Any info of this product u can check via this link >>>
Lets have a try with this product.

# Al-Fatihah #

Salam semua!

Din beramboi sudah pergi buat selama lamanya! Al fatihah..semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan di kalangan org2 yg soleh..AMIN..

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Thursday, April 01, 2010

# April Fool #

Haishhhh ade ke org kite yg celebrate April Fool nih? For me xyah la kite beria2 nk celebrate perkara yg xelok..even if u said "its just a joke" sometimes jokes yg u buat tuela yg akn mendtgkan kemudaratan...

Now kt fs,twitter, blog rmai yg dh sebarkan rumors said that Din Beramboi had passed away..hey u noe,now he's in critical u ols simply said that he's oredi gone..Nauzubillah..I dot now either dis person wanna make a prank April Fool...but dis is serious case..ajal,maut,jodoh semua mn boleh buat main...cerai or talak pon leh jatuh tau wit April Fool..y not u pray to Allah SWT,hope he recover soon..

Nielah our culture...sibok dok follow culture all pls pray for Din Beramboi..

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

# Rat Pee - Din Beramboi #

Hi peeps... Just now me ade bc kt tweet tweet said that Din Beramboi was in coma condition at Hospital Selayang. He was infected by rats pee when he shot a pet show at d Zoo. Herrmmmm...rats pee can get us into coma...serammm & takot kan... Dis case make me worried to buy a drink in can..yerla kalo kt kedai2 tue...sometimes ade je tikus berkeliaran kan..ntah2 dat tikus ade pee kt mn2 brg kt kedai tue.. So u guys make sure take xtra careful wit dis case..if can,before drink make sure u cleanup ats can dat our lips akn selamat ckit la or better use straw or tuangkan dlm cwn aje. And one more thing,if u see brg2 kt kedai tu agk2 lmm cm dh nk expired don't try to buy it..kdg2 diaorg ni main jual ajekan even dh tau nearly expired.. Anyway s a Muslim pray to Allah hopefully abg Din Beramboi will get well soon. He brough laughter to Msian wout asking do pray for him peepss.. Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

# New Layout #

Hey guys, This will b my 6th trying editing far I suke wit dis layout but need to adjust here & there coz ade yg bape ok lg wit dis layout like for "older post" its appear a navigation button.which I didn't like it..dh xlarat nk pk where hav to code fo dis prob...amik sume coding html me adjust td...most of it try & error.. So gotta sleep now..hubby already lying on the bed.tomorrow we have another wedding invitation. Aft wedding try to edit again dis new layout. I'm hepi wit dis layout..its sooooo me...ninite allzzz.. Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Friday, March 26, 2010

# Bali Hunting #

April iz just around d corner & yerp meaning my 2nd hubby-wifey trip (honeymoon in other word) dh nk dkt...yeaaayyyy..yeayy..even we r always bile jln yg jauh plus naik flight so it consider s honeymoon... so far hotel, supir sume dh book..we r decided to hav free-and-easy package trip...since only two o us yg pegi..senang la kan..gamble ajela..hubby dh explore & search all d information bout Bali..where shud go..where don't. ..which restaurant halal,non-halal.. Talking bout the trip,since we decided to have free-and-easy,hubby tell me not to bring luggage bag..just bring bacpac..easy plus don't bring too many baju or seluar..nti bleh beli kt sn yesterday I go MV to buy my bacpac and cap. rase excited tgk bag yg I nk ade kt butik..penat cr b4 dis xjmp & the sa ckp tg april nti brg br msk..skali kt mv ade satu aje lg yg xckp..I want wayfarer..mcm Paris Hilton pkai kt entry I yg sblm nih..

*** match x my bacpac & cap ***

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

# new look #

Hey... I'm kinda boring wit my blog layout...thinking o to change d layout...hermmm...can u guys gimme some interesting site that offer a gorgeus,beautiful,yet simple template fo my blog...** sbb dh lm x upd blog kan,skg br terhegeh2 nk pk tkr layout kan **.. Since my laptop is not wit me its kinda difficult for me to make a layout changes..I can't upd via hp dowhhh...upd entry,upload photo okla kan..but ssh jgk coz d picx can upload tp will b at the top jea..ssh la I nk put any caption kan..nk wat kt office.. Haishhh quite berchenta la jugak..nk kne cover2..heyy tpt I ,laluan org rmai k..kang org igt aku xwat keja nk hrp wat kt laptop sendiri kne tg weekend la plak me buat je ajela kt opis.. So sementara tg ujan stop try to search any website yg ade template2 yg besh... Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

# Rayban Wayfarer #

Wooott...woott..wooott..I'm feel in love wit dis me... Tuela last time hubby suh pkai xnak..sibok dgn Esprit I yg lm tue bleh I ttp syg,chenta,manja ngn I nye glasses yg dl..I bought it at tue x femes lg kot wayfarer nih.. But now I tgk rmai yg my Paris Hilton & Jessica Alba oso wear it...oooohhhh I want it.. Ada sape2 rs x nk bg I hadiah..I xminx lbh just dis glasses only..puhhhllsshhhh....♥ ♥ ♥ .. Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

# make money #

Hi peeps, Just wanna share wit u to earn more money.I already get it within less than 1 hour I got back my money..if interested email me at Thanx.. Hav a nice day peeps.. Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

# Mee Udang Mak Jah #

Last Sunday me,hubby & pil sent my sil back to her MRSM,Taiping. Since me & hubby hav other agenda besides sent his sister so we go there wit 2 cars...1st ayah ask hubby to join them,coz my bil pz & mamat refused to follow..mayb boring coz xtau nk wat apekab plus dh besar...

That was my 1st time go to mrsm taiping & I dot noe either the school is at town or jauh just follow hubby even he also don't noe d exact location.but he noe mrsm is same ways go to bukit larut...hermmm bukit larut....I wanna go there.but hubby refused..its ok dear s long s we can eat MEE UDANG MAK JAH...hehehhe...♥ ♥ ♥ ...

Around 400pm we arrived at mrsm..I love the environment...mcm ade kt kg...bunyi cengkerik pon ade...& hostel is sebelah bukit..scary but peace..& heyyy ade waterfall there..u can c it while u are at a pondok guard...sure mlm2 sejuk aje wonderla my sil like to stay there..yerla dis was her 1st time stay far away from her family..

After sent her at her her frenz,helping her to tidy up her,..around 530pm we decide to going back.pil straight away back to Ipoh,while me & hubby go to Kuala Sepetang..otw to KS,we stop at I don't what they called it..but it seems like a pasar but hav a food court..hubby stop there & bought popia bsh hj omar, if im not mistaken..the famous popia at larut matang.. Sgt sedap...until now I msh terasa2 kesedapannye..hopefully I can have it again...

Then we straight to Kuala Sepetang..firstly we don't know which kedai yg best their mee udang..I asked my frenz..but she didn't replied my we just along d road we c too many kedai/stall yg jual mee udang..mak miah la,pak hussien la,mak ape ntah la lg...until at one selekoh hubby nmpk ade 1 signboard showed "mee udang mak jah 7km"..dpn lg "mak jah 5km" from dat we noe sure mak jah's is d best...we follow d instruction & luckily we found it.yess too many people there..we just ordered mee udang biasa for two & ice lemon tea,& tea o ais..bcoz we already fulled wit popia sedapp..frankly I told u..the kuah mee udang mak jah sggggttttt sedappp..dapp..dapp...nti nk try lg..the prawn sgtla byk spai I xtermkn plus mengada mls nk kopek kulit...hehehhe

But ma frenz ckp ade lg satu yg sedap..mee udang hj.salleh kt port time will try coz ms tu pon dh lewat petang..hav back to ipoh..then reached ipoh,we stop at jj bought butter cake & wall ice cream fo ma bil...his besday actually...

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# Wedding Preview #

Hey ere some o my wedding preview in my collection - nikah : wit jerra & sis ita Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.