Around 10.00am siapsiap gerak g Ampang Putri,Specialist Centre. Suppose pegi awl 8am hubby ade keja need to be settle by today. so pegi lmbt ckit. spai aje Clinic Dr. Wong, luckily tgk xrmai org. so just have to wait 2 patients then Fizz's turn.
~ Dr. Wong check his heart beat..doc ckp Fizz byk sembang. tgk aje muka dia ms nie..sibok nk ckp ngn Dr. ~
Alhamdulillah after kne jab, Fizz langsung x nangis. before this once jarum cucuk je kt dia, dia akn terkejut n nangis ckit.. but today start msk aje clinic dia dh jerit2 gembira.. i dunno why he soooo happy today..assuming he was so excited to meet his Paed..huhuhu..
spaikan dr. wong nk cucuk pon dia still jerit2 n bercakap2..n gelakgelak.
spaila doc dh cucuk jarum...u see what his face look alike once dh kne cucuk tue
Then after settled at Ampang Putri, straight trs pegi Rawang. 1st house pegi umah gemma hubby. dh lm x jmp his gemma. so bwk gemma jmp fizz, her cicit.ehehehe..dh 5months br sempat jmp gemma n bak'a.
After umh gemma, around 2:30pm, pegi umah my ofismate Diyana at Bdr Tasek Puteri. dia br sj delivered bb girl yg sgt comel..Aisya Syakira. welcome to the world lil' angel
~ Aisya Syakira ~
Then around 4:30pm, we go to hubby's aunt home at Bdr Country Home.suppose g umh aunty, then aunty sume xde umh, so pegi umh hubby's makngah at BCH also. so jumpe aunty sume kt sn..makan2, borakborak, around 6:30pm gerak blik KL.
Spai Cheras, we decide to have a dinner at Q-Bistro. so meet huda n azmy there. makanmakan, borakborak, then gerak blik umh..soooooo tired coz kuar umh since morning td. kesian jgk dkt fizz, 4x change his diapers, and 2x change his baju
Sian ank mummy, penat sgt. blik umh trs mandikan dia. sian dia if x mandi coz badan dia dh melekitlekit. then breastfeed him, x lama pastu dia tido...
So plan tomorrow just want to stay at home. nk msk for lunch and rehatrehat wit hubby and son
i love them much
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