
Saturday, April 30, 2011

What makes you different from everyone else

ermmmmm what makes me different wit others??? ermmm the things that i really know is, i have a husband named Mohd Hafizal B Muhammad and a son named Fizzuan Aqeel B Mohd Hafizal.


Fizzuan skg dkt Ipoh jmp opah,atoks,n maktok..aunty2 and uncle2.. Later update story Fizz kt ipoh k.

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Macam nie la gaya si anak bile tgk tv.

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Santapan Malam

Semalam dh janji dgn hubby nk wat maggi mee sedap goreng utk blik je keja td trs siap2 kan bahan...

Bahan-bahan :-
1) Bawang kecik

2) Bawang putih

3) Cili api sebyk mn yg nak

(Bhn 1,2,3 ditumbuk cantik)

4) Mee sedap perasa asli

(Rendam mi dia dgn air panas)

(Perancah2 dlm paket maggi di campur dan digaul rata dlm satu mangkuk)

5) Telur

6) Kicap perasa maggi

7) Serbuk maggi sedap

8) Kicap n sos cili

9) Nudget sausege marinara

10) Minyak

- if ade udang,sayur,aym leh my case I gn ape yg ade dlm fridge mmg jd x brp nk cantik hidangan.

Dh ready sume,tumis bwg n cili yg dh ditumbuk naik minyak ckit. Pastu campur dgn perencah2 maggi yg digaul rata td. Dh naik bau,letak sos,kicap,n kicap perasa maggi.tambah sedikit garam.. Bile dh rata bhn tumisan, letak telor dan tumis (kalo boleh telor jgn hancur sgt) Setelah nmpk cantik bhn di dalam kuali, br letak mi yg dh direndam. Gaul rata.. Hidang dlm mangkuk n tabur bawang goreng. Hidangan tambahan, gorengkan nudget..

Taaadaaaa..dh bleh mkn..simple je sj nk share...Ehehehehehe...

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tido toys and books

this is how he sleep when he was soooo tired...abis kaki ats bola.
tgn mengembang. buku ntah ke mana, barney ntah kemana..
walau macam mana gaya tido skali pon, mummy ttp syg kamu.

s u n d a y

Entry before ckp nk ddk umh on Sunday..but..............sume x jd. hubby plak ajk g sogo coz he want to buy sumthing there. ermmm pegi sogo on weekend sgtla tidak best coz sgt pack n crowded wit manusia plus parking yg sgt ssh nk dpt. but we tried.

spai je simpang nk msk parking...haaa amek ko..berderetderet keta tg Q nk msk parking. dhla ngn ujan yg maha lebat, jalan terus jammed terok. so we decided to go sumwhere else. after pikirpikir, so hubby suggest pegi Jusco AU2. mmg dh lama x g sane. so me okey je. plus leh g tgk umah kaca bdk2 AF tue.

spai je sn, org sgt rmai. i think mayb sbb ade AF kt situ so org pon rmai la g sane.

~ nampak x Adlin tgh mengajar bebdk AF ~

~ anak baba ~

~ anak mummy ~ nie sume aksi2 Fizz ms kt Jusco. luckily dia x meragam. so senang ckit nk jln2. ank mummy dh besar skg ni dh senang nk bwk jlnjln. so after this bleh plan g jalanjalan jauh ckit. kan syg kan !!! * * * * * * *

~ mummy comel x sy wat camni ~

Around 6.30pm aft makanmakan, kami blik. coz byk keja umh x settled lg. nk lipat baju, sidai baju. iron baju..sume sume la..
p/s : makan kt Black Canyon x best..spaghetti dia x sedap...xmo mkn sn dah.

~ hubby's ~

~ mine, spaghetti fettucini yg x sedap ~

Sunday, April 24, 2011

5 months jab, meet Aisya Syakira, visit sedaramara

Around 10.00am siapsiap gerak g Ampang Putri,Specialist Centre. Suppose pegi awl 8am hubby ade keja need to be settle by today. so pegi lmbt ckit. spai aje Clinic Dr. Wong, luckily tgk xrmai org. so just have to wait 2 patients then Fizz's turn.

~ muka excited jmp his Dr. actually ms nie dia tgh borakborak (borak in his nada..aaaaaa..uuuu..aaaaa) ~

~ Dr. Wong check his heart beat..doc ckp Fizz byk sembang. tgk aje muka dia ms nie..sibok nk ckp ngn Dr. ~

~ sempat lg pose pandang mummy before kne cucuk ~

Alhamdulillah after kne jab, Fizz langsung x nangis. before this once jarum cucuk je kt dia, dia akn terkejut n nangis ckit.. but today start msk aje clinic dia dh jerit2 gembira.. i dunno why he soooo happy today..assuming he was so excited to meet his Paed..huhuhu..
spaikan dr. wong nk cucuk pon dia still jerit2 n bercakap2..n gelakgelak.
spaila doc dh cucuk jarum...u see what his face look alike once dh kne cucuk tue
~ muka bdk happy aft kne jab. good boi ~

Then after settled at Ampang Putri, straight trs pegi Rawang. 1st house pegi umah gemma hubby. dh lm x jmp his gemma. so bwk gemma jmp fizz, her cicit.ehehehe..dh 5months br sempat jmp gemma n bak'a.

After umh gemma, around 2:30pm, pegi umah my ofismate Diyana at Bdr Tasek Puteri. dia br sj delivered bb girl yg sgt comel..Aisya Syakira. welcome to the world lil' angel

~ Aisya Syakira ~

Then around 4:30pm, we go to hubby's aunt home at Bdr Country Home.suppose g umh aunty, then aunty sume xde umh, so pegi umh hubby's makngah at BCH also. so jumpe aunty sume kt sn..makan2, borakborak, around 6:30pm gerak blik KL.

Spai Cheras, we decide to have a dinner at Q-Bistro. so meet huda n azmy there. makanmakan, borakborak, then gerak blik umh..soooooo tired coz kuar umh since morning td. kesian jgk dkt fizz, 4x change his diapers, and 2x change his baju

~ mummy sy mengantok ~

Sian ank mummy, penat sgt. blik umh trs mandikan dia. sian dia if x mandi coz badan dia dh melekitlekit. then breastfeed him, x lama pastu dia tido...

So plan tomorrow just want to stay at home. nk msk for lunch and rehatrehat wit hubby and son

i love them much

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 4 - Your favorite photo of your best friend

He's my best friend ever, my soulmate, my husband, father to my son. Picture taken on 01/01/10 during our solemnization.
I Love U Sayang

Jab for 5 months

Today bring Fizz to KPJ Ampang Puteri for his 5 months jab. Hopefully he will be fine. x meragam n x demam coz later aft pegi hospital nk straight pegi Rawang to visit hubby's aunty n grandma. and if sempat nk visit lil' Aisya Syakira my frenz Diyana Sulaiman's baby.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 3 - Your idea of the perfect first date

Kalau nk ckp psl idea of first date...byk tpt berlegar2 kt kepala..butttttt i think the most perfect is romantic dinner at beach..waaaaaaaaaaaaa...sgt best.. sambil dinnerdinner leh dgr deruan ombak sambil sembangsembang pk ms depan.
both of us (me n hubby) pernah dinner kt tepi pantai. best coz ms mkn dgr bunyi ombak and ade org akn dtg kt kite to play some songs. that was on April 2010 at Bali.. even ms tu x brp nk sihat coz im preggy at 8th weeks ms tue, but i still enjoy coz all the time wit my love..thanx sayang.
picx below ms me n hubby kt nie hari belom gelap lg n org x rmai bile dh start pkl 8pm camtu org punya la rmai.. kt tepi pantai tu ade org jual jagung bakar.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 2 - Your favorite movie

okey nape cite nie jd my most fav muvi..sebabnye this is the 1st date movie me n hubby on 1998. g tgk ms V'Day. so sdh almost 12 years. I love u syg.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 1 - Your Favorite Song

This is my fav song ever. Love the lyric and melody..and the singer..(phhewwwwwww).

Wordless Wednesday

Miss this little boy..sgt heran 2 3 menjak ni dia tido agk lama..asyik pengsan spai ke pg..penat sgt kot.. Mummy love u syg. Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

30days challenges

Ermmm...since sgtla rare utk meng-update blog. so terpikir psl title kat ats nie. td jalanjalan kt blog Zezatty then terbaca psl entry nie..quite interesting. yerla slalu no idea what to blog. if ade pon kdgkdg sgtla tidak sempat utk menaip spai trs la lupa.. so with this challenges i can write the entry follow the title of that day. sgtsgt eksaited nk nti blik umah i buat okey.. There are 30 challenges from day1 till day30.hermmmm byk tue. sgt seronok untuk di share with all of u. Below are the lists.Lets cekidout :-

Day 1 - Your favorite song
Day 2 - Your favorite movie
Day 3 - Your idea of the perfect first date
Day 4 - Your favorite photo of your best friend
Day 5 - What makes you different from everyone else?
Day 6 - A song to match your mood
Day 7 - A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet
Day 8 - Your dream wedding
Day 9 - A photo of the item you last purchased
Day 10 - A photo of your favorite place to eat
Day 11 - A photo of your favorite memory
Day 12 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is
Day 13 - A photo of your favorite band or artist
Day 14 - A TV show you're currently addicted to
Day 15 - Something you don't leave the house without
Day 16 - Short term goals for this month and why
Day 17 - How you hope your future will be like
Day 18 - 5 things that irritate ME about opposite/same sex
Day 19 - A photo of something you want to do before you die
Day 20 - The meaning behind your blog name
Day 21 - A photo of something that makes you happy
Day 22 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 23 - 15 facts about you
Day 24 - A photo of something that means a lot to you
Day 25 - Who are you?
Day 26 - A photo of somewhere you want to go
Day 27 - What kind of person attracts you?
Day 28 - In this past month, what have you learned?
Day 29 - Something you could never tired of doing
Day 30 - A photo of yourself today + 3 good things that have happened in the past 30 days

Jom cuba !!!!!

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone


Last weekend was a hactic weekend at least for me. bgnbgn pagi sudah siapsiap kne kemas umah. plan to kemas umah on friday night. but hubby blik from Kota Tinggi lmbt. around 12.15am br spai. so decide to do spring cleaning morning esk. so aft bgn pagi, mandimandi breakfast dl. aft breakie, me sapu umh. hubby mop lantai n vaccum umah. sgt leceh bile dok umh apartment coz habuk ade di sana sini. aft kemas2 siapkan bdk kecik bg pkai bj cantik ckit.
~ sudah siapsiap mahu teman suamy pegi keja ~
Romper beli dkt KFGlam

~ muka gembira sbb mahu bwk pegi jalanjalan ~

~ owhh mummy syg kamu bangat ~

~ sudah spai at Wisma Putra ~

~ hubby di-interview oleh DJ KL.FM ~

~ kepenatan ~

~ after battery sudah di charge ~

Around 3pm siap g Wisma Putra. Hubby ade keja ckit kt sane. tg sane spai dkt kol 5pm. After that gerak g Tasek Permaisuri. After 9 months ddk dkt Bdr Seri Permaisuri br aritu g tasek dia. bkn ape sbb kami nk tunggu mak n ayah suamy spai. so malas nk naik turun umh. so tg aje kt tasek. if diaorg nk spai br gerak skali. Tp PIL call ckp lmbt lg br spai coz pegi umh mak lang dl at Serendah. so we decide to going back home first coz Fizz sudah start nangis. mayb panas agknye. so blikblik umh mandikan si kecik. around 7pm family mertua pon spai. so sume mandimandi, coz nk dinner luar. xmasak ape pon kt umah.

~ Tasek Permaisuri ~

~ main air liur plak dia ~

~ Fizz and Mummy ~

~ Fizz and Baba ~

Kami bwk family mertua makan dkt Kadir Tomyam dkt Ampang. Actually sanemmg tp favourite. mkn dia sedap. hubby sgt suka siakap stim limau. so ms dkt sn call our uncle, mak mertua punya adik. ajk jumpe. so pak aki dtg alone. coz si anak hensem Zahid sdh tido. so acik nadia kne tunggu umh. after makanmakan, borakborak then blik umh tido..coz thari esk kne g wedding kt taman maju jaya. malas nk cite kite pendekkan..... after wedding then mak long call ajk dtg umh. so aft je wedding trs shoot g kajang mkn kuah durian n roti..sedapppp.. borak borak sembang sembang then around 6 blik cheras.

~ Baba Fizz ~

~ papa nizar ~

Around 700pm family mertua gerak blik Ipoh sbb masing2 keja n sekolah. so malam tu kami kepenatan yg amat sangat. nti cite lg bendabenda yg lain.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Pejam celik pejam celik cpt je ms berlalu.tuptup dh 5 months dh my sweet hero. as for today, Fizz is a veryvery good son. easy to handle and not to byk ragam. Alhamdulillah, thanx Allah to give us this little boy. Hope he will be a good son to his parent and to all. InsyaAllah.
To Fizzuan Aqeel mummy n baba want u know that we both loved u so much. we will do whatever for u. no matter what. pls pls pls loved us as we loved u or mayb more..okey???
Soon, whenever u know how to read and write, i hope u will read this blog coz all the entries is dedicated to u.
~ even kamu agk berat, but mummy ttp nk lambung kamu ~ ~ sayang dia bykbyk ~

~ mummy love u both so much ~

~ walaupon ms nie dia sgt2 la cranky, mayb panas kot, but i still love to take pic wit him ~