today all o us maybankers dpt our saguhati....okla even x byk tp boleh la dr xde kan..yerla smlm punyela kecoh2 either dpt ke x kan bonus nih...coz i've heard to many version of total bonus that we can get..ade yg kata 0.75 bln, ade yg kata 1.75 bln, ade yg kata 2bln la, 2.25 la...xkisah la mn2 janji ade..penat wooooooo berkerja tp xdpt ape2 just get OT (on target ajela)..syukur la dr threshold kan..dpt TH mau xdpt bonus n increament. so with dis money can cover la utk raya, utk kawen...byk duit nk pkai..ssh hati jugak la kan..berapa byk...i cant in4m u..but its okla as i said before better than nothing,.aite??? so shud use dia money wisely..
sile lihat di bawah..
byk x nye if all the moneys belongs to me...lalalalalalala...leh la shopping...saving, bg parents...ape2 pon alhamdulillah..TQ dato' wahid...even berbelah bahagi nk bg kitaorg still gak bagi kan..pg2 lg my frenz dh g check kat atm..punyela takut if xde kan bonus tue.yerla me lagila risau kan..ngn nk kawen nye...nk raya nye..byk nk pkai duit..ape2 pon..kepada semua..berbelanja la dgn bersederhana........
aiseh syg totally its not u la dear... cm bc entri org lain je..:)
y u xkp its not me??? coz i ckp x nak berbelanja..eleh2...aritu dia yg sibok suh org berjimat...
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