
Thursday, May 28, 2009

* allloooopp *

uishhhh dh bersarang i nye blog ni...puhhh...puhh....berhabuk berdebu dh. its too long i didnt update my blog. last ms OIAM yg tomok menang imuniti tue..but now both OIAM & AF dh abis and have their own winner. ok now mayb i'll keep updating my blog..hehehe..hopefully.sometime nk update tp mls plak nk type. so just leave d blog but im alway keep updating to read other blogs..(buleh erkk blog sendiri x update tp nyibok mengupdate bc blog org) ok...ok..cite just arrived my home at Ipoh. im taking a leave start 2mrw till tuesday. so td at 11 me and my sist gerak from KL. then met with my bro at R&R Tapah and rehat2 plus mkn..thari td just mkn keatiow grg. so lapar. spai umah around 1 sumthing.
UEFA Champions League 2008/09 - ROMA FINALE 2009. ni sambil online i do watch ESPN. haiyooo i just hope MU win the league. tp ape nk dikata BARCA dh score dl...xpe byk ms lg. so u guys keep support MU yaa... aishh...during dis holiday mayb im quit bz coz helping my sis nye preparation wedding on 31/05. dats y la cuti lm coz nk tlg kakakku iteww. will update later with d wedding pics yaa.. ## start buying stuff for my day..